Community System » Community System

Community System

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Community System Vision Statement

The primary objective of the Community System at Bishop Carroll Catholic High School is to support our mission by assisting parents in forming disciples of Christ who enrich our culture by building community with our students, parents, staff, and alumni. The Community System provides a vehicle for strong bonds among all members of the school community, promotes the development of relationships and promotes the development of each student’s faith and leadership skills.

We exist to serve God and serve others. Through the Community system, the students in our communities and houses are ministered to as complex individuals with spiritual, physical, emotional, relational, and intellectual needs. Our house and community plans take all of these aspects into account in order to best serve the needs of the students. We provide space and time for students to build their relationship with Christ. This is the first and most important calling of our system. We not only open and close each gathering in prayer, but we also provide an opportunity for other types of prayer and expression of the spiritual realities we encounter on a daily basis. We desire to lead everyone to Christ through prayer and the sacraments, by experiencing the Holy Spirit alive in others, and by living a life of joy found in fellowship and beauty. Time is allotted to building relationships through fun activities, games, and competitions. This assists in developing the relational, emotional, and physical needs of our students.  These activities foster the development and manifestation of leadership skills.  It also provides opportunities for discipleship and mentoring. The BCCHS community system invites mentors and students alike to accompany one another in their journey of forming their whole person as Missionary Disciples.


The Goals of the Community System:

·         To ensure individual care by providing each student with at least two adults-- a Community Dean and a House Mentor-- who will monitor and support the academic, social, and spiritual growth of each student

·         To enhance the mission provided to all our students by embracing our Catholic values and traditions

·         To strengthen the bonds of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School, creating a spirit of family among students in each grade level, as well as the whole school community

·         To create opportunities for 64 students from each grade level to be trained and to serve as student leaders

·         To advance each student’s interpersonal relationship skills

·         To promote open discourse between students and faculty

·         To enhance the community strength beyond Bishop Carroll Catholic High School to the greater community of Wichita

·         To lead, plan, organize, and coordinate school activities, including dances, service projects, and spirit-related functions


Overview of the Bishop Carroll Community System

·         There are eight Communities: St. André Bessette, St. Dominic Savio, St. John Paul II, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Philip Neri, St. Sebastian, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Therese of Lisieux,

·         Each student is assigned to the same Community for all four years at BCCHS. 

·         Each community includes approximately 150 students.

·         Each Community will be assigned one Dean, who is a faculty member chosen by the administration.

·         Each Community will be assigned two Community Coordinators, who are elected by the faculty and student body of that community.

·         Each Community is divided into eight Houses. 

·         Each House includes students from each grade level-- approximately 18-20 students total.

·         Each House is assigned a Mentor.

·         Each House elects one student leader from each grade level, and one of those students will be elected as House Captain

·         Each student will have the same Dean and Mentor throughout their time at Bishop Carroll.

·         There will be a Student Body President and Vice-President, elected by the Community Deans and the student body, who is responsible for the atmosphere of care and concern for the entire school as fostered by the Community system.



Keys to Success:

·         Houses meet four times each week. 

·         Deans meet monthly for planning. 

·         Deans meet with their respective Community Coordinators weekly and House Captains monthly.

·         Deans and Community Coordinators will work collaboratively and communicate with House Captains on a regular basis.

·         Deans meet individually with their Community’s Mentors twice a semester.

·         All members of the community will actively participate in school and community functions.




Director of the Community System

The Director of the Community System's primary role is to serve the Deans and Coordinator of Student Activities. The Director works closely with the school administration, the Student Body President & Vice-President, and Community Coordinators to ensure that activities are consistent with the vision and goals of the system. The Director is responsible for overseeing schedules and holding deans accountable for the responsibilities of their community.

Coordinator of Student Activities

The Coordinator of Student Activities' primary role is to serve the Director of the Community System by coordinating all school activities. The Coordinator works with the Deans to ensure that the Community vision is being carried out. The Coordinator works closely with the Student Body President & Vice-President, Community Coordinators, and Deans to ensure that the day-to-day activities are consistent with the vision and goals of the system.


Deans work to serve the Director and Coordinator, ensuring that each Community’s vision is realized. They support the Mentor, Community Coordinators, and House Captains with the planning of house and community events. They also help maintain the consistent identity of their individual community as student leadership changes from year to year.


Other than House Captains, Mentors are the most important individuals in making the vision of the Community System a reality. On a practical level, they enforce the rules of House time. But House and Community times provide an opportunity to engage in non-academic pursuits with students rather than simply being an instructional leader and role model.